May 18, 2013

  • PTCB Certified.

    Hello Everyone,


    Sorry for not posting the past couple of days. i have been super busy studying for my PTCB (Pharmacy Technician national Certification ) Exam. I am so happy to say I did pass my exam and I am now a Nationally Certified Pharmacy Technician. I was extremely nervous to take this test. And with good reason. i was fully focused and studied as much as I could but everything I was studying for was NOT on the test lol. Everything on the test was mostly based on hospital setting environments and mathematical calculations which I knew about luckily from going to school, I retained most of that information. 

    Aside from a pay raise ( once again ) lol. I have another title under my name which is very rewarding. I love my job and the people I work with, they definitely make my job a lot easier and more exciting / rewarding. Aside from that happening i rekindled a friendship with an old friend. Well we were not really friends because he was dating one of my EX-best friends within days of meeting him lol. Which was ok but I never really had a chance to get to know him, which is very unfortunate since we both have a lot in common, we're both crazy and make each other laugh. Don't get any wrong ideas lol he's just a friend and that is definitely something I'm looking for, friends that won't screw you over or wont peer pressure you into doing things you do not want to do. I've recently been keeping myself more reserved. 

    I'm glad to also announce I am still sober, I have not been drinking and it has been over a month since I've been wasted or drank. I'm so much happier and have been obviously focusing everything on bettering myself and I could not be happier. I am not saying I will no longer drink, but I am definitely taking about 6 months to a year of a break from drinking only to give myself time to regroup and get my priorities straight, I made drinking one of my top priorities. I want to make it one of my last priorities and not even drink much to anything at all (alcoholic) so far so good and thank goodness. 


    How is everyone's day going? 

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