September 6, 2011

  • Party All The Time!

    no song for this post this time sorry guys =[.

    Well I know it has been quite some time since I have had the chance to update my blog. I haven't really been busy with important things but, usually when the weekend rolls by I am at home and this weekend I wasn't.

    Well the party I was talking about in my last blog is this week, and I am rather excited about that. I was also invited to my friend's birthday party last weekend (saturday) and I had such a fun time. I hope he did too, especially since the party was all for him =]. I got to make some new friends, finally get to meet some I made on facebook and hung out with a great group of people. I did not get to dance unfortunately but that really wasn't important the ambience was great and so were the people. I am talking to this guy that doesn't live that far from me, he's really nice and we're both in the "medical" field I suppose. He wants to me an M.D. I am going to school for Pharmacy so technically it's both health related careers we are seeking. He's cute, my type, but we'll see how things go, if not I hope to at least make another really good friend.

    So Today, well technically yesterday, was Labor Day and I didn't really do too much. I stayed at home with family watching movies, they BBQ'd because I cannot to save my soul BBQ lol. I've been in a better mood lately, I finally had the chance to catch up on my sleep so I haven't been feeling to out of the loop on that. I have not been keeping up with my exercise like I would like to, so tomorrow will be a new day and I got to get back on that bandwagon, especially since today was Labor Day and nothing on that BBQ was low no fat lol. It was delicious regardless. I thought I would just give you guys a quick update on what I am up to and I will be catching up to your posts in just a second. At least the ones I can see, since you all love recommending things it's hard to fish out the actual posts lol but it's all good, I've found some really intersting stuff through those recommendations =]. I Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and Labor Day.

    So this time I decided I would recommend a movie. I will probably be doing this often aswell. I love watching movies, I can never get enough of them. This movie I want to recommend is called "Penelope" and it is one of my favorites. The Genre for this movie I would have to say is more of a Romantic Comedy (More Romance than Comedy) Maybe even along the lines of Romantic Drama? lol. It has a wonderful message to it aswell. To see this movie you can actually watch it for free online, if anyone has free time to watch it I do recommend you rent it or watch it on here which ever makes you feel more comfortable.

    Click here to watch the movie, a new window will open. ( I do have to say you need the DivX codec to watch this movie ). I hope you have the chance to watch it and enjoy it. =]

    Cant wait to read all your updates =]

    "Dare To Be Different!"

    - Armando Lush 

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