August 18, 2011

  • Did You Feel That?

    Well, I hope you all like the new layout I made for my blog, took me a good hour to make it lol. Well that's not exactly what I was trying to talk about in this blog, but i thought i'd bring it up. Anyways, The past two days have been very weird for me. I honestly do not know how to describe how and why I was feeling that way. The past two days I was i guess in a way depressed, my body kind of ached, felt like I was getting sick and I was extremely tired and slept through most of the day and if I didn't that's all i wanted to do. I thought something might have been wrong with me but apparently a lot of people I know were having weird days // feelings at the same time I was. Maybe something was in the air that was messing us all up or it was just World Wide PMS or something lol. 

    Even my own mother said she was having weird feelings, or days the past two days. Luckily, today I feel a whole lot better, back to normal even. I was even in a better mood than I was the past two days, i was so irritated and didn't want to talk to anyone. I'm glad that it wasn't just me. Well, it also seems every person I hooked up with when I was a little HOE-ISH has been hitting me up lately trying to get back on the bandwagon, and im talking about this being years ago when I did this. I do not do anything like that anymore but apparently they haven't changed. Nothing much to say today so i'll end it with that lol . 

    Well since xanga does have a "daily question" thing before you post i thought i'd give it a go. 

    "What dish have you always been curious to try but haven't yet done so? What about cuisine?" - xanga

    A dish that I would say I've always been curious to try but haven't yet done so would have to be, well actually it's not a dish it's a soup, I've never tried clam chowder lol i've always wanted to try it but i'm scared i'll barf if i don't like it lol . A cuisine i would have to say is authentic greek cuisine. 

    I'm curious if u guys have not answered this question yet, what would u be curious to try? 


     This song is one a friend introduced me to actually, and I've loved it every since. It's really nice to listen to on long trips or even driving at night. Ironically the song is called Night Drive with you, it's by Anoraak and the remix is by GRUM (love him!) Hope you like it !


Comments (11)

  • haha i am gonna need to drink a  lot of tequila in order to get through these classes :-p and your layout is really cute! :)

  • Not something I'm curious to try because I've had it already, but I could really go for a haggis with neeps and tatties right now.

  • @wepromised - haha I hear that! well I actually have one class left =/ how many classes are you taking? and thank you ! =] 

    @how2saveaplanet - I had to google that lol. at first it sounded very unappealing but after reading further into it, I kind of want to try it now lol.  

  • I do like the new look.  Do you read astrology or anything?  I read sometimes that explains away weird days. To answer your question right now I really want to try Spicy chocolate ice cream.  The song reminds me of the 80s.

  • by the way im loving your layout!! but the clam chowder omg i was once curious when i was younger and made my mom buy me some, lying to her saying that i loved it...i ended up taking one bite and not liking it lol..would i like it now?? im not sure but i highly doubt that i thing that i would like to try would beeeeee...well its many bad things at the texas state fair all of those deep fried foods!! i go every year but never do it bc it just looks nasty lol but its suppose to be veryyy good

  • DAMN! This blog looks BAD ASS! You did this in one hour??? I am so jealous! You just inspired me to do something different. That song you have is AWESOME! I never heard that before but it is just awesome just awesome! It just puts me in an altered state I LOVE IT! Absolutely LOVE IT!

  • You look so HOT you are gonna seriously turn some heads soon! Gonna be a STAR girl!!!!! 

  • That's trippy you've never tried clam chowder!

    Hey I LOVE this theme it's fabulous!

  • @FalconBridge -  I used to read into astrology slightly before not as much anymore, Spicy Chocolate Ice Cream? never heard of it lol. sounds interesting. I know it is very 80's, I'm big on music that sounds 80's ish at the moment, well they attract me more than the other songs I listen to. 

    @larayshareese44 - haha I've tried clams before like how they eat it from the shell and put lemon, salt and just eat it, GROSS!! so that's why im like eeehh =/ lol

    @DominatingThinspo - It's never bad to inspire someone, I'm glad I could inspire you =] Thanks love,
    @Diva_Jyoti_3 - Nope, never I've been too scared to lol. Thanks hun =]

    @RestlessButterfly - Well thanks for stopping by. 

  • Oh yeah, I came from blog by @DominatingThinspo - , thought I'd mention that.

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