August 24, 2011

  • As The World Turns

    I do apologize for not updating in 5 days, I believe, I've been a little busy with my externship paperwork // meeting thing at school. It's been consuming my time and it's been a pretty exciting time for me as well. I just wanted to start off by giving a HUGE THANK YOU!!!!!! to @DominatingThinspo for posting about me on his blog, that was very sweet of you and I appreciate it heart

    Well, I guess I will talk about how irritated I am with some of the people I know on Facebook at the moment, specifically Facebook because its where it's been happening mostly. Lately most of my friends / acquaintances I have added on there keep updating their status' with " If you want to bitch and complain, why not start a blog, and not do it on here, no one cares about your problems." While I did start a blog not necessarily to complain but it somehow ends up being a complaint because it is something I do take seriously when I get into it on here, but for a place for me to vent my thoughts and feelings on issues or just to hear and be heard. It is irritating to me that they would say such a thing, not directed at me of course or else I'd give them what for, but that they would believe they do not complain at all and that others do not feel the same. I feel the same at times when I read people complaining, but I know I do it as well and instead of complaining or bitching on there and automatically becoming a hypocrite; I empathize with these people because I know how it feels when someone has a hard day and they just want someone to talk to and when they dont they resort to going online and either posting a blog or posting a status update on Facebook. I'll leave it at that and just ask how you all feel about that? 

    On a more personal note, I started working out again and I completely forgot how good it felt to work out and how I used my exercising on getting rid of the stress of the day. After I did my little exercise routine I always do ( Push Ups, Sit ups, Crunches, Jumping Jaxs', ETC) I always feel so relieved and satisfied. Hopefully I can continue this because I have been a lot happier lately because I don't carry that frustration with me in the back of my head or just internally at all. Another thing that has happened to me lately is at work, I had to go to the back and fetch something for a customer and my phone ended up falling into the sink, mind you the sink was plugged up and slightly filled with water. My phone is a MyTouch4G and that is not easy to replace and I cannot get insurance on my phone for another 6 months (long story). Of course I was freaking out when this happened, oh! my phone was in my pocket and what I was reaching for was above the sink so as i was lowering myself my jeans pushed against the sink pushing the phone up and out of my pocket. Luckaly, my phone broke open so the battery was not intact so no electricity was running through it so nothing really got damaged. I let it dry and PRAYED that it was ok.Thankfully it was, now the only weird thing it does is when I put it in "sleep" mode it turns off, on and back off again. 

    OH! I Almost forgot, I re-joined this old website I used to be on and an ex boyfriend (sort of) is on there and i re-added him and ever since he's been completely on me. He's been telling me so many awkward but flattering things like I'm such a big turn on and I've spoken to him on the phone and how he missed my voice. I don't know how to feel about that because he does not live near me and I kind of have my eye out for someone else =/. I have more to talk about but that's going to be on a different post that will be no so much of a ramble as this one lol =] 

    "What's the funniest joke you know?" - Xanga

    Honestly I know a couple but the only one is of course a racial joke. Hopefully it's not too crude // rude (and inappropriate) for anyone, so here it goes. 

    "There was an American, A Mexican, and a Canadian walking down the dessert. They were hungry and have been walking for a while when they come upon a fruit farm. They Jump the fence and start eating some fruit. The farm owner catches them, pointing a gun at them he says " I'll let you go if you can stick 100 of your favorite fruits up your A** without laughing" The American goes first and picks grapes, at about 80 he laughs and *BOOM!* gets shot. The Canadian goes next he picked berries after 60 he also laughs and gets shot. At the gates of heaven they get asked "why did you two end up laughing?" To which they replied " Because the mexican choose watermelons" 

    Kinda long and inappropriate but its the only one i remember lol =/ 


    Well I thought I'd share one of my more recent pictures I've taken, I'm not so GLAMED up as I am in my default but I like it, gotta keep it simple sometimes. =] 

    I actually just recently found this song it's more upbeat then the previous song that was more 80's cruise music. I was going to put an upbeat 80's song but I'll save that one for my next post. This song is "Night Of Your Life" By David Guetta Feat. Jennifer Hudson, from his up coming album "Nothing But The Beat" I actually listened to this song as I was working out today and it kept me going to push even more. 

    Can't wait to catch up on everyone's posts and comment
    - Armando Lush
    "Dare To Be Different" 

Comments (9)

  • I just recently started exercising again. Ever tried using a weight vest? You get some pretty good results.

  • "I completely forgot how good it felt to work out and how I used my exercising on getting rid of the stress of the day." Me too! I started working out more than just the walking I was doing and it feels so good.

  • @how2saveaplanet - I have never tried using a weight vest before. Never actually heard of a weight vest to be honest. lol

    @seedsower - It really does! I felt so satisfied today after working out, whatever was bothering me all morning / afternoon suddenly went away afterwards and I was ready to do some more productive things than be lazy lol. 

  • Thanks babe! Love the BLUE!  Keep up the great work with the exercise, it will keep those brain endorphins high, basically free drugs without the side affects!

  • @DominatingThinspo -  thanks love. I will it was something i truly didn't realize i missed lol. haha free drugs without the side effects lol I dont wanna become hooked lol =P 

  • I agree that complaining about the complaining on facebook doesn't help anyone.Glad to hear you phone turned out okay.  You could just tell your ex that you're not interested at the moment but it's nice to reminisce?  Eh.  I've had zilch experience with that stuff.

    I was wondering, have you thought about putting the music first?  This way we could listen to your song choice while reading your post?

    Have a great rest of the week.

  • @FalconBridge -  Yeah, it's completely pointless and a waste of effort to try and tell other people to not do what we all end up doing anyways. Well, he knows but he's always been like that lol so I guess I kind of got used to his way of being with me lol. The attention is nice every once in a while. You know I did think of it but I was used to having the little title banner right under the subject title for the blog but I will definitely try your suggestion, sounds like a good idea to me, thanks =].

  • I don't understand people that complain about people complaining.  Okay, it's THEIR facebook/twitter/xanga/whatever, they can write whatever they want, it's always up to EVERYONE ELSE if they are going to read it.  Like I have to conform my online status updates to please everyone else?  nah.

    And yes, I need to start working out again too.  Once Zoe starts homeschooling I won't have a choice because I'll need to do her PE credit hours with her haha.

  • Its why I have a xanga, its my venting out instead of keeping it in to cause me more harm.

    On facebook I have over 400 friends but the same 3 people comment on my posts. I know my world doesnt revolve around me it never did.

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