April 3, 2013

  • IM BAACKKK!!!!!

    ILL BE BACK FINALLY WITH SOME NEW THOUGHTS TOMORROW =] Sorry for being gone for WAYYY SO LONG! I've been reading your comments and posts . 






Comments (9)

  • Glad you are back.  

  • @Edgebreak - Me too it's been a while. But im ready to commit. 

  • Welcome back!  It's good to see you're okay. Have a good day.

  • Dear ArmandoLush1,

    Your post came up on the border of my screen after I posted my friend's latest blog. He's in prison, so I get to be his typist. His blog subscribed to your blog, so I'll have to check his blog for updates on yours. Either way, I think you're cute, boy or girl. Are you related to Matthew Lush (GayGod) or Ben Green (DarlingDiva). They're both into makeup, too. I stumbled onto them on YouTube, and watch them just for the fun of it. I don't use makeup, & I don't have long hair like you and Ben do. I'm straight, but like looking into alternative lifestyles. It helps keep me on the straight and narrow. Matthew lives in California, like you do. I don't know where Ben lives, but he's still in high school, according to all of his posts.  He's also an actor/ess. I put it that way because he claims to have played both boys and girls in his short films.. I may even see if I can pull up your blog from my own blog.  It's boring, because all I do is talk about work. I work in sales  for the world's largest retail company. I hope you don't mind a comment from someone old enough to be your father. The times are changing and it helps to go with the flow. It also helps to NOT have to go for analysis, if one understands what's going on in the world. LOL, Pappy.

  • @mexiablockparty - Oh well that's very exciting to hear that you came across my blog. Welcome. I am sorry to hear about your friend being in prison, I hope it was nothing serious, well its prison it might have been pretty bad but I hope it is a learning experience for him. I'm not related to Matthew Lush and I have met him before a couple of times, that's not even his real name, well it is now because he had his name changed but whatever makes him happy. And Thank you for the complement. and how old are u? lol I dont mind talking to people that are older lol. I'm not one to judge even though I do but I end up giving my opinion and getting over it I suppose lol. Thank you for the comment =]

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