
  • IM BAACKKK!!!!!

    ILL BE BACK FINALLY WITH SOME NEW THOUGHTS TOMORROW =] Sorry for being gone for WAYYY SO LONG! I've been reading your comments and posts . 







    I haven't posted. I will actually keep my posts simple no more special graphics or anything which is why it made it hard for me to post but just as a im sorry. here is a video of me doing my make up ;)  



  • Return from the Pits of HELL

    Actually I have not returned from or been in hell but I thought it would seem like an interesting title for a blog, seeing as I have not posted one in over a month. As always I do apologize for not updating. Do not think I have forgotten about any of you. I have been keeping up with everyone else's blog posts', I have my xanga digest e-mailed to my phone so whenever I have time I do read your posts. I just really have not had time to update or sit on my computer (unless it has something to do with work). Now that I am more situated with my job I finally found some time to post. 

    Well it seems like everyone has been busy busy busy, as have I. Well if some of you remember I was doing externship at a pharmacy a bit a ways from me, but unfortunately they did not have sufficient resources or clientele to be exact, just yet, to offer me a position at their Pharmacy. I took the initiative and started applying for other places as soon as I was done with externship and within that week I was contacted for several interviews, and offered positions at different places but most were not Pharmacy related, but because of my "impressive" resume, they really considered and extended a job opportunity with their company. I really thought about it but why waste all that time, effort and money getting my degree in something and not putting it to good use. I focused more on my Pharmacy interviews and on my first real pharmacy interview they offered me a position with their company. 

    I started training immediately which is what I've been doing all this time, I had to travel out of town for on site training and training courses and spend time at home taking online training modules to learn more about their systems and workflow and so forth. So most of my time was consumed by doing all of that, luckily I get paid for all those hours I put into my training and the days I wasn't doing training I was still working at my other job. 

    Aside from that Thanksgiving was great, and Christmas was spectacular. I was given a  lot of cute clothes that I would wear out, and my parents were the most generous, they bought me a 31.5 inch HD tv that is not only my TV but my computer screen as well, a new printer (the scanner / copier kind), and my new cellphone  I was saving up for, but didn't really save much money on since I am also busy paying off bills that I owe for school and here at home. My next step is saving up for a nice little car so I can finally start feeling as independent as I did many years ago. So as you can tell I have been completely busy, now that my training is hastily coming to an end, I will finally have some time to post about my life and all my other thoughts I have on subject matters as I did prior to my lengthy hiatus. I am sorry for not keeping up or letting some of you know what has been going on with me, I hope some of you weren't worried. I wish you all the best and I'll be on here to update as much as I can. 



  • It has Begun!

    This song is by Scissor Sisters titled " Any which way " 

    Well I know this is going to be a short blog. I just wanted to explain my absence. The reason I was not posting for such a long time is because I was having a lot of things going on. Mostly I will have to say my biggest issues was that my account was having some issues that I had to get fixed and once those got fixed my internet was shut off and I had to wait to get that back up and running, and this entire time, it was off. So don't think I just abandoned this blog without saying a goodbye, that's just not like me. I will be posting a lot more now that my internet is back up and my account is fixed, THANK GOODNESS! I will be posting something either this afternoon or tomorrow. i already have it pre-written I am just reviewing it and making sure what I am saying is how I want to say it and that it is coming off the right way to people, and you (because I post the links to my blog posts on my facebook aswell). I do appologize for my absence but I will not have it happen anymore. I have one week (next week) left for my externship and everyone is sad to see me go and I am sad to go aswell. I have had a lot of other things happen to me Drama, loosing friends, etc. That I will be telling you all in my very very soon post coming to you guys =]. In the mean time while I work with this next post I will be looking at your posts (those whom I am subscribed to and subscribed to me I mean) so expect some comments on your posts from me =]



    "Dare to Be Different" - Armando Lush

  • I'm Back Finally ;)

    This song is by belanova titled "luna" it's in spanish ( I speak spanish ) and it's a very pretty song, trancey, relaxey kind of song. cute. I hope you all like it. 

    Hey everyone! I have returned! I know it has been a good hot juicy minute since I have had the opportunity to update / read / comment on xanga, and I have missed you all soo much, I hope I was missed too, if not it's all good regardless. I was having some issues with my account and was trying to get it fixed and apparently during this waiting process they had addressed the issue but did not notify me until now. I figured I would not waste my time logging in and out and not be able to do anything until I received an e-mail stating my issue had been resolved. Long time right? lol. Well lately I have been super busy (not busy enough to update but since i could not update I had no choice but to deal with it ) with my externship! I love it there, I honestly spend three days out of the week there and I'm there for about 9 hours each day. I honestly do not get tired of being there for 9 hours, it is such a great environment, I learn a lot, I feel like I help people out a lot. Their main goal at this pharmacy is to provide excellent pharmaceutical care, not just like a chain retail pharmacy that just provides shitty service, gets your meds' filled at the time they want to take, and sends you on your way,and if something goes wrong you're S.O.L. This is an independent, compounding pharmacy. I love compounding but it was something I never really had too much of an opportunity to do while I was at school because they never really did the effort to teach it, but luckily I was given the chance to do my externship at this site. They are a brand new independent compounding pharmacy (the only of its kind within a 30 mile radius from where they are) and I'm hoping business increases because I am really hoping I have the chance to be offered a job there. I would definitely commute to this location, it has won my heart over. 

    Aside from that, I guess the other thing I want to talk about is that I kind of have someone interested in me and they have made it known to me lol. It is actually one of my Ex-friends EX boyfriends. Now! Normally with things like this I would disregard his interest because that person dated one of my friends. But I think I can make an exception seeing as the reason I am no longer friends with my said ex-friend is because he decided it was ok to punch me in the face for being honest, and trust me it was not ok. So, I honestly disregard his friendship, once I am done with someone, I'm done. he and I have given each other 2nd and 3rd chances but in my book our chances at a friendship are far from over. Friends argue, fight, and not talk to each other, but once u hit me it's over. I wont get into it, I dont like playing the victim because I am not a victim, I know he has // had to explain his WHOLE side of the story to people because he needs to save face. I have nothing good nor bad to say about him so I dont waste my breath, because that breath i waste ends up being a toxin in the air that pollutes the world and I dont want to spread unnecessary polution lol. (of course pollution is not necessary, but that in itself is a completely different subject) Going back to this boy, we spoke on the phone last week (he's going to school right now but comes down to visit often to see his family which is not far from me), but he honestly has proved his interest in me. Hopefully I get to see him sometime this month, or next actually. I never keep my hopes up with things like this, and well he and I have a lot in common but if we do decide to take things further we will definately have to work out a visiting schedule lol. He's been trying to get me to come visit him for a while now because he wants to "cuddle, hug, and smother me with kisses" lol. He has sent me random text messages saying "GRRR i can't stop thinking about u!!!" lol it's really cute, makes me blush a little. (or more) lol 

    Aside from that I have mostly been spending all of my time getting my life back on track, and it feels really amazing. I will say it is very weird now that I do not have classes, because when I come home from my last day of extern during the week, I know it's back to work but I always wonder "do i have a class that afternoon" lol knowing I don't but it feels weird having my evenings free again. Well I will adjust to it in due time I suppose. Anyways I have more to talk about but i'll save that for an update tomorrow =] Hope everyone is safe, sound, and well <3

    I found this video randomly on facebook, I thought it was hilarious, but I know that if put in the same situation I would probably be acting the same lol aww poor thing <3 
    and this is a random video I found of clips of me with my friends I will warn you I have a weird laugh lol well if I crack up ... but I hope it makes u laugh and not annoys u lol <3 

    -Armando Lush
    "Dare to be Different" 

  • Hello Everyone!!! =]

    well . I know I haven't been upating, but I honestly have been able to log in for the longest time since I last posted. but it would not let me reply to comments or even post a blog. so hopefully this one posts. I will try and get that fixed tomorrow and start posting again tomorrow <3 I have loads to talk about and TONS to catch up on . <3 sorry I have been inactive, i've been trying to get this little issue fixed so hopefully tomorrow they'll get my blog fixed =] and I'm working on a new layout (yet again) lol so hopefully everyone likes it =] . 


    Love , Armandolush <3 

  • Bully: A Gay Story

    Well This song is by Shiny Toy Guns and it is called "Sky fell over me" I thought it would be somewhat appropriate. Starts off like it's going to be a dancy song, but its not. The lyrics is what I wanted to really make apparent.

    I really hate talking about bullying and the idea of people taking the time to seriously torture someone else is sickening. Of course we all get into arguments with people and insult them and such but I would never personally take the time to continually mock and make fun of someone for personal pleasure. I actually came across an article today (on facebook), that someone shared about a young teenager whom committed suicide because he was frequently bullied. If you'd like to read this article you can Click here A new window will open.

    Before I would of said (and have said) that these kids are just weak and should realize how much more they are hurting others by hurting themselves. I've come to realize how hard it must be to have to endure such torture on a daily basis, for such a long time. I'm sure it was pretty horrible and I can imagine how they must have felt but I could never live it.

    It's sick to know that kids and adults alike spend so much time doing this to people, and for something as small as their sexual orientation, or even something as simple as they aren't "popular" as they are. I actually found a video (that i'll post after this) about how this guy that vlogs on youtube, had someone drive by and call him a faggot, horrible word to call someone.

    I found it kind of ironic because I too just recently had someone that drove by as I was crossing the street call me a "faggot" and when I heard it it made me wonder how I would of dealt with that if I was younger. Knowing myself, if I was younger and had someone just randomly call me that, I would have probably broken down, cried, felt insecure, etc. When I came back from thinking like that, I thought about how I really feel about that word now. It did strike a nerve with me for about 10-15 minutes. Then I slowly got over it. The only thing that really hit the nerve was that they only had the balls to call me such a name as they were driving by. I am definately not ashamed of who I am, and cannot say I have been truly bullied when I was younger. I had people joke around with me because of my sexuality, but it never really offended me, nor made me feel bullied.

    If someone had something to say to me, they never did, or they did it behind my back and when I found out about it, I wouldn't confront them but they'd know I heard what they said, and never said anything to my face. I made it obvious I was waiting for them to call me a fag to my face but nothing. Their courage is only fueld by the ignorance they've embraced. When they are around their friends, they can do ANYTHING. A lone, they are NOTHING. Remember that, and everyday you'll get a bit stronger. I have, and even now when I think about that guy calling me a faggot, it doesn't phase me. I actually find him pathetic, and laugh at the fact that he has his own insecurities that he wanted to verbalize to me, but his insecurities are worse than the ones I could ever have / had.

    here is the video with the guy's story about his little incident with the drive by insults.


    - ArmandoLush
    "Dare to be different"

  • Lush Goes GaGa (video)

    Well I will have some stuff I will be updating tomorrow, but for now I am currently working on finals and finishing things up. Until then I will leave you with this video of me lip syncing. As you all know I find the easiest ways of entertaining myself =] lol And messing up just makes me laugh more. I know this entire song but for some reason I got nervous and messed up a bit. Plus! you do get to see my bangs rather than in pictures ;) Hope this entertains you, makes you laugh even =]

  • Shallow & Shameless

    Today's song is by Penguine Prison titled "The Worse it Gets" (The Starsmith Remix) ;) **WARNING!!! the begining starts off slightly louder than the rest of the song**

    We've all either been accused of being shallow or conceited at some point in our lives. It's something that has bothered me for quite some time. I honestly can say that I do look beyond "imperfections" and focus more on personality, that's why when i like someoneone it's hard to dislike them. Once I like the person they are, their looks can change but their personality is the same and thats what I end up continuing being attracted to.

    People always focus on the outer, someone can be completely gorgeous but have the UGLIEST personality. Some realize that their "beauty" sugar coated the ugliness they are within and move on from pursuing that person, but end up going after someone similar.

    So how shallow is too shallow? is their anything as some what shallow? Where do we draw the line of shallow to prejudice? is their a right time to be shallow ?

    Most people look for something similar to them, if not "better" than they are. Majority have some prejudice towards what kind of person they date. They have to be mexican, or they have to look gangster, or they have to be straight acting, or she has to have huge boobs, or he // she cannot be fatter than I am. It's very sad that people do not give others the time of day and are missing out on possibly finding someone great or even their "soul mate." I've seen plenty of conceited people live miserable lives only because they look for the same "beauty" but that same "beauty" is looking for a different beauty and they are not the ugly others do not want to pursue, but they are still HOT enough to go after them, and continue to be miserable. SO SAD. Open your eyes, and you will find happyness, stay in the dark and you'll never have the light needed to find what you are looking for. =]

    I GOT BANGS!! lol I cut them myself, what u think? too much??


    This movie I actually watched last night, and I thought it was completely amazing. it is called "Speak" with Kristen Stewart from twilight, one of her earlier films I'm going to assume, you can watch it below by clicking the "click here" text below the movie poster image. It's free to watch and you dont need to sign up for anything just in case you're wondering. OR RENT IT if u'd like ;)



    Cant wait to read all your updates =]

    "Dare To Be Different!"

    - Armando Lush 

  • Party All The Time!

    no song for this post this time sorry guys =[.

    Well I know it has been quite some time since I have had the chance to update my blog. I haven't really been busy with important things but, usually when the weekend rolls by I am at home and this weekend I wasn't.

    Well the party I was talking about in my last blog is this week, and I am rather excited about that. I was also invited to my friend's birthday party last weekend (saturday) and I had such a fun time. I hope he did too, especially since the party was all for him =]. I got to make some new friends, finally get to meet some I made on facebook and hung out with a great group of people. I did not get to dance unfortunately but that really wasn't important the ambience was great and so were the people. I am talking to this guy that doesn't live that far from me, he's really nice and we're both in the "medical" field I suppose. He wants to me an M.D. I am going to school for Pharmacy so technically it's both health related careers we are seeking. He's cute, my type, but we'll see how things go, if not I hope to at least make another really good friend.

    So Today, well technically yesterday, was Labor Day and I didn't really do too much. I stayed at home with family watching movies, they BBQ'd because I cannot to save my soul BBQ lol. I've been in a better mood lately, I finally had the chance to catch up on my sleep so I haven't been feeling to out of the loop on that. I have not been keeping up with my exercise like I would like to, so tomorrow will be a new day and I got to get back on that bandwagon, especially since today was Labor Day and nothing on that BBQ was low no fat lol. It was delicious regardless. I thought I would just give you guys a quick update on what I am up to and I will be catching up to your posts in just a second. At least the ones I can see, since you all love recommending things it's hard to fish out the actual posts lol but it's all good, I've found some really intersting stuff through those recommendations =]. I Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and Labor Day.

    So this time I decided I would recommend a movie. I will probably be doing this often aswell. I love watching movies, I can never get enough of them. This movie I want to recommend is called "Penelope" and it is one of my favorites. The Genre for this movie I would have to say is more of a Romantic Comedy (More Romance than Comedy) Maybe even along the lines of Romantic Drama? lol. It has a wonderful message to it aswell. To see this movie you can actually watch it for free online, if anyone has free time to watch it I do recommend you rent it or watch it on here which ever makes you feel more comfortable.

    Click here to watch the movie, a new window will open. ( I do have to say you need the DivX codec to watch this movie ). I hope you have the chance to watch it and enjoy it. =]

    Cant wait to read all your updates =]

    "Dare To Be Different!"

    - Armando Lush